One of the commonly asked questions by Laravel enthusiasts and entrepreneurs all around is, can we build enterprise apps with Laravel? Is it capable of handling big projects? Dynamic websites are the key to running a business and adapting to modern-age feasibilities. There will be a few straight questions to answer. Will it help you define an enterprise app based on dependencies? Security and traffic? It will go a long way.

As per a recent report, Laravel (a PHP development framework) has a 43.7% market share for developing dynamic PHP websites.

Most people would determine the number of classes, which in other words, would mean big enterprise apps would be thus based on the number of lines of code. However, big enterprise apps’ scope is wider, and all the attributes mentioned below determine this scope.

Why Laravel is an ideal choice for enterprise app development?

To clear out the confusion, we can see what Laravel can offer and check possibilities whether we can build enterprise apps with Laravel or not. However, let’s first start with some examples-This is why Laravel App Development is a top-rated business application among enterprises. Its popularity is phenomenal in many ways.

There are millions of page views sites running on Laravel – like Alexa 500, and multiple Fortune 500 companies. Various video game sites like Fallout 4 had their landing page on Laravel. We are pretty sure, you will find more examples.

Also Read: Tips to Improve the Performance of your Laravel Application

What makes Laravel a business-fit for App Development? 

No matter what the industry is LARAVEL has emerged as one of the most popular PHP frameworks.

Many features make Laravel outstanding for big enterprise apps; here are a few-

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 1. Service Container:

Laravel has a powerful service container that makes dependency injection simple and straightforward. This is extremely important for big enterprise apps that need to manage many dependencies.

 2. Queues:

Laravel queues allow you to postpone the processing of a time-consuming task. Laravel queues provide a unified API across several queues backends and even a relational database. Moreover, this is perfect for tasks that need to be executed after a certain event, such as when a user registers for your site.


3. Events:

Laravel events provide a simple observer implementation to know and subscribe to events that occur in your application.

This way, Laravel has a powerful event system that allows you to hook into various points in the execution of your application. This is great for adding custom logic or triggering additional actions when specific events occur.

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4. Artisan: 

Laravel development services usually interact with this framework using a command line that enables enterprise app development for diverse project needs. A built-in tool for command-line is provided known as Artisan.

This tool performs tedious and repetitive programming tasks that most developers avoid performing manually.

Read More: Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework In 2018?

 5. Migration for The Databases: 

With Laravel, Migration assign extending the database’s end structure with-creating ease it every time a change is made. It helps you secure the development of data from any loss.

Migrations are version control for your database, allowing you to easily modify and share your database schema.

6. Security:

When you build enterprise apps with Laravel, it improves the app’s security by using a salted and hashed password. It means Laravel never saves the password as plain text in its database, and as a result, builds secure apps.

This way, Laravel takes security seriously, providing built-in features like authentication and authorization, as well as password hashing and encryption. These features make it easy to secure your application without writing your security code.



7. Modular: 

Having been built on more than 20 different libraries, the Laravel framework is quite big. It is divided into several individual libraries and adopts modern PHP principles, allowing a Laravel development company to build more responsive, modular, and handy web apps.

8. Database Migration System

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Database migration is one of the key aspects of typical tasks. Database migration gives a hard time to programmers than mathematics is for many students. This way, you can utilize the Laravel framework and expand the database structure without re-creating it. Hence, the risk of choosing data becomes minimal.

Even the most experienced developers scratch their heads when they’re given the task of database migration. Now, as a developer, when you’re dealing with Enterprise Applications, most probably you’ve to migrate the database. That’s where you can utilize the Laravel framework, as it allows you to expand the database structure without re-creating it. So, the risk of losing any critical data becomes minimal.

9. Restful Routing

Enterprise apps always get abundant load requests at the same time. To address such claims with quicker responses, Laravel offers a comprehensive and simple closure. It brings adaptability to the routing and is simple enough to develop more interactive and responsive web apps.

10. Eloquent ORM

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Laravel comes with Eloquent ORM i.e. Object Relational Mapping which is equally easy to use and manage well-equipped organize database apps. Further, it works amazingly well with a gamut of database languages like MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, and SQL Server.

Most importantly, this feature is really useful in enterprise app development, where the developers have to deal with a vast amount of data.

Top Benefits of Choosing Laravel over any other Framework

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The trend of Enterprise web applications is soaring higher than ever. This huge software system supports your decision to build for your company. It empowers to ease processes and operations from both user and company perspectives. An enterprise web application is an intricate process loaded with complexities, to avoid any confusion further Laravel development is the answer.

Read on to find out why!

Make your coding easier– The blade template engine of the Laravel simplifies the coding process because it will allow the Laravel developer to use plain PHP code in the view. You will also get many widgets that have in-built JS & CSS codes reducing the difficult tasks of enterprise software development.

1.) Open source:

Well, this should be the biggest reason why everyone should opt for Laravel. It is quite flexible and open-source to make swift changes as and when required. We know that with a change in business needs, your enterprise software development also will change. Worry not, Laravel emerges as an ideal prospect for your business needs.

2.) In-built libraries:

Laravel comes with 20 diverse libraries marked individually to singular modules. They help you create user-friendly applications with a flexible, responsive, and modular structure.

So, you do not need to search for external libraries to get help with common tasks such as authentication, caching, emailing, etc. 

All of these are provided with Laravel, so you can get up and run quickly without having to worry about setting up any extras.

3.) Supports Object-oriented libraries:

A great feature for a framework to have, Laravel supports object-oriented libraries. With pre-installed libraries already present your Laravel developer does not have to write a separate code or function for the software development application.

Thus, it helps to keep your code organized and well-structured. This also makes it easier to maintain and update the code in the future.

4.) Composers:

Laravel is loaded with some powerful tools but this one is different. The composer allows Laravel developers to run codes within the same time frame as it is loaded.

If a user wants to update his project or add new packages, he can do it in the same time frame as well. You don’t have to wait for the entire system to load. This is a huge timesaver.

Looking to Hire Laravel Developers

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5.) Dedicated Laravel developer community:

The presence of a large network of Laravel developers ensures new modules and interesting plug-ins are installed at regular intervals. Even for your project if you require additional help, the barrage of developers will keep all your ambiguities aside.

Moreover, if you’re ever stuck, there’s a good chance somebody has already written a package or posted about how to solve your exact problem on Laravel’s forum. And if not, it’s easy to get help from other developers who are familiar with the framework.

6.) Faster time to market:

It’s a generalized fact that apps are a ubiquitous part of life. Gaining a competitive setting, Laravel web development powered is loaded with umpteen features for faster time to market compared to the conventional frameworks. Laravel’s development has the potential to answer all your web application needs. It takes very little time for development and will ensure savings on costs impacting your revenue. So, if you are looking at developing an enterprise web app, hire a professional Laravel developer and help your business flourish.

So how to build enterprise apps? Just make sure you’re using a good cache or session driver like Memcached or Redis, on a server like Elasticache if you’re on AWS. At the Laravel level, check if you’re using the config: cache, route:  you’re using composer dump-autoload –optimize. Another great thing to do is to separate your database from the existing web server. It is also very helpful in upscaling if you want to add a secondary server.

Some Popular Laravel Applications 

Some of the more popular Laravel applications include:

  • Twitter

It is a microblogging service with over 284 million active users.

  • Spotify

It is a music streaming service with over 60 million active users.

  • Airbnb

It is a room rental service with over 34 million active users.

  • Walmart

It is an e-commerce site with over 260 million active users.

  • Huffington Post

It is a news site with over 115 million active users.


Hence, we realize how LARAVEL proved phenomenal in driving success to enterprises. It helps you clear enterprise has been.  Choosing  PHP web development with partners like VALUECODERS(a leading web development company in India) is there to help. There are web developers who work with a guaranteed SLA and are implementing over 5000+ projects. It has to have 12+ years of experience with more than 1500 customers and a zero-billing guarantee. To meet expectations for all your project needs you can hire programmers in India to meet diverse client requirements.

After considering the powerful features Laravel offers and the examples of the big enterprises that have their web apps on Laravel, it is quite clear that you can foster your chances while building apps with Laravel.


Shifa Martin

Software Development Expert

Turning Ideas into Innovative Digital Experiences – 15+ Years in Software Development.

I specialize in creating innovative and user-focused digital solutions. A rich background of over one and a half decades enables me to deliver high-quality projects that drive business success. Here’s how I can help you:

Extensive Experience: Over 15 years in software development, skilled in React, Angular, Swift, Kotlin, and responsive design principles.

Leadership in Development: Proven track record in leading teams to successfully deliver projects on time and within scope, using Agile and Scrum methodologies.

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Collaboration and Communication: Strong team player, collaborating closely with designers, product managers, and stakeholders to integrate solutions seamlessly.

Continuous Learning: Committed to staying ahead of industry trends and technological advancements.

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Why Laravel is an ideal choice for enterprise app development?

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