AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform

One of the largest virtual office management experts approached ValueCoders to create an AI platform as a service. The client’s goal was to create an IoE platform that runs nationwide emergency management by connecting, unifying, and managing resources. ValueCoders understood the many requirements of the project and worked hard to deliver an excellent solution. Our experts proudly worked on unifying people, machines, and systems to reduce carbon emissions and owning zero physical assets and liabilities to a company. There were multiple project requirements, like tracking employees' login and logout activity, adding a calling and chat feature for employees, or doing login via scanning the QR code or mobile number/email OTP, etc. ValueCoders has served these requirements with the most appropriate solutions, as you will explore more in this case study.

Technology Used:
  • ChakraUI
  • MUI
  • Node JS
  • SQL

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Project Synopsis

ValueCoders created an IoE Platform that will deliver Autonomous Organizations. It is a platform that runs nationwide emergency management by connecting, unifying, and managing employees (45000), ambulances (12000), citizens (15 states), and hospitals (15 states).
The platform helps deliver autonomous assignments and also helps with dispatch and navigation based on real-time operational intelligence. It enables the gradual transition of humans to be on the process rather than in the process.
Desker is a platform developed for remote working and offers virtual offices. The platform significantly reduces carbon emissions and owns a company’s zero physical assets and liabilities.

GreneOS unifies people, machines, and systems. It automates processes and integrates systems on top of which we can build autonomous applications for intelligent decision-making for organizations globally.
It launches by replacing a mission-critical order management system for Vodafone India.

Project Requirement

To find new combinations of technology that can make it possible for people, machines, and organizations to exist together.

  • System to track the employee login and logout activity while working remotely
  • Leave management – apply and approve(by lead and department head)
  • Any help desk query submission and assigning them to the respective department
  • Defect, change request and enhancement submission, and state management
  • Desks Management
  • Assign desks to employees
  • Move the desk to one floor from another floor
  • Set the desks limit to each floor
  • Unassign the desk
  • Calling and chat feature for employees
  • Add and update the floor
  • Tracking the work status
  • Multilingual support
  • Login via scanning the QR code or mobile number/email OTP
  • Updating the employees’ profiles
  • Files upload and sharing
  • Export-import feature for defects, change requests, and enhancements
  • Bulk upload feature for adding employees to the organization
  • Auto Logout when the application is idle for 5 minutes
  • Switch between different organizations’ buildings
  • Admin can add and update the working hours, working days, and holidays list on the floor and building levels
  • Roles can be assigned, updated, and deleted from employees
  • Admin can handle the settings at the organizational level
  • Broadcast messages to all the employees, a particular department, or an employee
  • Exporting data in spreadsheets and printing the report

Key challenges


Key Challenges Solutions
Real Time messaging This package helped in achieving the real-time one-to-one and group chat between the users. We have provided the solution by researching the perfect solution.
Auto Logout on idle state This package helped achieve the auto logout of functionality. It has provided a countdown clock that logout the user in an idle state.
Realtime Gantt charts Gantt chart is used to show the status of the change requests, bugs, and enhancements which is updated in real-time. It shows the percent of the respective tasks and their status(open, in progress, QA, staging certified, pre-prod certified, prod certified). Our team has created a perfect real-time Gantt chart as the client requires.
Calendar event management React big calendar is used to show, add and edit the meeting details in the calendar. Our experts have allowed for calendar event management.
Generating the QR code User can login into the application with the help of scanning the QR code from the application. qrcode_react serves the purpose of generating the QR code.
Getting the geolocation The geolocation of the user is fetched with the help of react-geolocated.


Solution Implementation

GreneOS unifies people, machines, and systems. It automates processes and integrates systems on top of which autonomous applications are built for intelligent decision making for organizations globally.

Used different packages to address the aforementioned requirements. React library is used in the front end, with redux for the admin portal and context API for the application. Node js with SQL database is used in the backend.

Locale document is created and updated by the web team for sharing the texts that need to be added in the locale database. As the translation texts are coming from the backend.


Our experts successfully created these two applications:

Our team has created Desker, an admin portal for the application. It is used to access the desk, assign/remove desks to employees, and allocate leaves to the employees. Desker is used to move an employee from one building/floor to another. One can do all the organization, role, business, floor, leaves, and dashboard settings from this portal.

Our team has created GreneOS to list the allocated files. One can delete, add, and update files. A new file can be created for any new issue, change requests, and enhancements and assigned to dedicated resources. It also allows for one-to-one chatting and group chatting that can also be done with colleagues. One can check their direct reportees and update their app score.

These functionalities are provided only by the experts of ValueCoders, who are the masters of their field, they have solved similar cases previously as well.


AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform
AI Platform As A Service With IoE Platform