API Creation for Financial Support

We created an API for a client from the automobile industry to streamline financial support for sales and leases. The solution reduced manual data entry load and resulted in improved customer service with faster and more efficient processes.

Technology Used:
  • Angular
  • AWS
  • Python

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Project Synopsis

The objective of the project is to create API and clear backlogs for financial support in ATG/Geforces for automobile sales and leases. The current project is to create APIs, test them for BNP/Arval providers, and map the responses correctly. The APIs, once created and tested, are then used by the frontend accordingly.
Generally, every section consists of a Proposal and Quotation by the dealer or customers. The APIs involved are to create, update or submit quotes/proposals for BNP/Arval provider.


Project Requirement

The Project (backend) is developed in core python language. The requirements include the following:
* A windows/Linux/Mac system for development platform
* Python 3.8 min. required
* IDE used can be VSCode/ Pycharm
* AWS code commit
* AWS cloud system for shared services
* Postman for local system testing

The project requires creating & mapping using python and outputs are checked before any release. AWS CodeCommits contain a main origin branch, a develop branch, and other sub-branches that are to be created as per requirement and once completed should be merged and tested with the development branch. This project uses AWS Serverless Stack and S3 for cloud storage and functioning.

Key challenges

Key Challenges Solutions
Establishing docker There are many solutions online, and some ways Linux, Windows, and Mac systems may affect the installation, but a study over the net solved it.
Understanding workflow In the beginning, it was a bit of a problem with how things are connected, but working more on the tickets gives an idea to solve these problems.
Moving the project from CDK to SST Moving the entire project system from AWS CDK to SST (Serverless) was a bit of a problem as the architecture changed. Although it was a success and other lambdas were inspected to NEin ARM64 architecture.

Solution Implementation

Solutions are to be made upon the provided backlog/API tickets on JIRA(Atlassian). Every problem is different and needs a distinct approach for its solutions. There could be backlogs needed to be fixed and implemented correctly for the proper functioning of the API.

The following are mainly worked out:

  • Create a post, update API for new functions of proposals/quotes
  • Mapping of responses between proposal and quotes in the respective finance services
  • Create/update lambda in AWS
  • Create a stack in AWS
  • Testing can be in console/Postman
  • Generating/ modifying mock JSON for testing
  • The backlogs and corrections may contain within or outside the above-mentioned requirements

System configurations may affect sometimes, but the project base and the required library functions are ready to run for the Python 3.8 environment.
The development process comprises the states beginning with analyzing the code/requirement, secondly, coding it down and testing it locally or on the server for a match with the desired outcome or the mock templated provided. Thirdly, it can be committed and reviewed. Once reviewed, it can be ready to be published.

The process describes the workflow of the project. Details about the work and procedure can be found at atg.auto.
Every project under ATG-Geforce finance services contains its own documentation and information about the required structure and desired outcomes for the functions.

The architecture comprises that through the Web, a customer can take on a lease or purchase a vehicle, whereas his financial terms are documented through the web application, like his per month payments, taxes based on his usage of the vehicle, due payments, etc.

The current project is under provider BNP/Arval containing the same structure as Kia/Santander.


With great team efforts, ValueCoders has successfully completed this project. Many tasks are removed from feature branches as they are resolved and merged to develop branch. The entire development branch might not be tested at a go for now, as development is still in progress. There are similar results from the Seriti provider under gf-finance-service.
This tree may be useful in understanding:

** gf-finance-service
a. Providers
1. Santander
2. BNP/Arval ….

b. Products
1. gforce_mena
2. Santander-kia…….

API Creation for Financial Support
API Creation for Financial Support
API Creation for Financial Support