Local community app

Grapevine Local is your new online hub where residents, businesses, special interest groups, and clubs can come together to build a stronger and healthier local community. Today, more than ever, we are all realizing the importance of local community action. By helping people talk, listen, and share, we can bring about real, positive, and lasting change.

Technology Used:
  • Android
  • IOS
  • RoR

Simplify and scale
your processes
with ValueCoders

Key challenges

  • High response time.
  • Multiple query hits in the background
  • No background processing of jobs.
  • No database optimisation.
  • No ruby rails updations.
  • Queries written in a way which opened the website for sql injection.
  • Slow website uptime.
  • Some queries had to be kept running always which added load on to the server.

Solution Implementation

  • We advise our client that for numerous issues like high response time, slow website uptime, we need to remove N+1 problems from queries and prevent Lazy Loading.
  • we suggested our client inorder to combat multiple query hits in the background we can use caching and memoization where ever possible.
  • The project had multiple users and sending mails and sms directly led to hazardous impact on the website for which we used sidekiq and redis for background processing Furthermore, due to lack of database indexing, the queries took more time to render data which was reduced by changing migrations and adding appropriate indexing as per the requirement.
  • We also updated the ruby and rails version of the project to get various security patches.
  • Another hurdle that we faced was queries where written in a way that made our website open to various SQL Injection, so queries were amended and standard query format was also reinforced throughout the project.
  • For heavier queries that needed to be hit frequently, we created database views which made the site work even faster.
  • Code optimisation and code reusability has been a priority and it was also implemented to make code cleaner and more readable.


With the combined efforts, regular brainstorming sessions, and scrums, we have together built a platform for users and business people who can come together and make the local community flourish and, with time, make an empire with the use of technology and goodwill.

We created chat support not only one-one chat but also one too many that helped people on our platform connect for various purposes keeping their personal information private. We created Invite Members that allowed our client to connect people who seem to be potential users or entrepreneurs. The platform also gives the users an edge over other websites to buy services on a subscription basis, i.e., weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Features Developed:

Local community app
Local community app
Local community app