Mobile app for social services

Mobile application where an end-user can donate, create announcements, schedule meetings. The user will be able to edit his profile information, change/ add payment methods, schedule meetings, create events. All the users related to the chapter will get notified about any new meetings or announcements.

Technology Used:
  • Firebase cloud storage
  • Flutter

Simplify and scale
your processes
with ValueCoders

Key challenges

  • To develop an intuitive and scalable mobile app that is fault tolerant and offers a seamless experience to customers.
  • Secure payment for donations.

Solution Implementation

  • To understand the business objectives and ensure that the overall design and of the platform was aligned with them, an in depth case study was conducted to get the understanding of the need of the product.
  • The app designs were implemented at first.
  • Firebase cloud storage & google and facebook api’s for social logins were implemented.
  • It was ensured that all the vulnerabilities and key security protocols were taken into account while developing the mobile application.


Mobile app for social services
Mobile app for social services
Mobile app for social services