Online Crowdfunding Platform

It is a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform where fundraisers/project posters will be able to create a fundraising Project & can raise funds. Fundraisers/project Posters will create projects in different categories like music, education, and so on. Fundraisers will be able to view their projects & donations by investors. Also fundraiser can define the payment format in which they want to receive the payments from the investors.

Technology Used:
  • Blockchain
  • Bootstrap
  • Coinbase
  • DevOps
  • Nodejs
  • React JS

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with ValueCoders

Key challenges

Our client who deals in crowdfunding had approached us to develop and implement a blockchain-based crowdfunding solution. The investors will come to the platform and they can discover various fundraising projects in different categories. They will be able to view a list of projects with the details like projects title, goal, image, description.

once an Investor clicks on any projects, he will be able to view the detail description of that projects and able to donate for it. Users can post comments on the project and like a project page. Investors will be able to donate on the platform itself in different cryptocurrency.

ValueCoders gave the suggestion to its client for using responsive design for making this blockchain solution accessible across multiple devices with various screen sizes as per the user’s requirements and preferences.

When they hired ValueCoders, we had to address the following tasks:

  • Client requires a multi-support cryptocurrency platform.
  • In order to enhance the user base, client wants us to build this complex multi-support cryptocurrency with effective user friendly interface.

Our developers at ValueCoders had overcome these challenges with their innovative ideas and technical expertise.

Solution Implementation

There were a few major parts in the project which was skillfully handled by the talented blockchain development team at ValueCoders. This is how we implemented this crowdfunding platform:

  • Sprint wise development plan allowed us and client to review the development as each stage so that any lacuna can be bridged at that point only.
  • Solution designing had been done with continuing sessions with client so that during the development , Efforts can be minimized.
  • Feedback implementations of the client had been done at effective pace.


With the help of our web developers and blockchain developers, we used the blockchain technology to develop a solution for fundraisers so that they will be able to create a fundraising project & can raise funds.

ValueCoders successfully executed this blockchain solution well within the time frame. The client achieved its target of making a user-friendly crowdfunding platform and adding custom functions for better customer experience.

It was a learning experience for ValueCoders to work on this development project that has helped the client and brought in repeat business as well. We ensured that the client and the development team were on the same page by frequent collaboration and regularly making use of project reporting tools. Agile methodologies were used throughout the time to discuss, improve and implement solutions before the final delivery of the application.

Online Crowdfunding Platform
Online Crowdfunding Platform
Online Crowdfunding Platform