Online Portal For Chemistry Courses

The project development task was initiated to have an online platform for students with a self-learning and self-analysis approach. At the start, the project lacked the management of registered users and course study materials. ValueCoders with its E-Learning expertise developed a platform which not only resolved the above management issues but also framed a ‘Workbook’ module under which students can evaluate their learning by attempting test series of specified topic or concept along with an additional feature of Calculator usage, tutorial Video and Instruction sets for each question and can analyze the result after successful submission of the test.

Technology Used:
  • Express
  • React JS

Simplify and scale
your processes
with ValueCoders

Key challenges

  • To build an intuitive and scalable platform that is fault-tolerant and offers a seamless experience to the users.
  • Secure management of the user’s documents.

Solution Implementation


  • This is the very first step in project execution. It basically includes Information gathering from stakeholders and documenting the same. Final prepared document is based on SMART rule which stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.
    After documentation Wireframes is created which act as a blueprint defining look and feel of the platform with respect to all functionalities.

Designing Phase:

  • After wireframes get finalized, UI developer design every single module along with theme colour. Every module is interlinked with functionality having some dummy data in use.

Execution Phase:

  • As per designs, the backend developer develops all the initials APIs and frontend developers developer integrate all available APIs with best practices making dynamic to all the screens.

Client Request Based Project Delivery:

  • Developers are involved in discussion with clients on a daily basis and follow their suggestion and in case of any feasibility challenge developers giving the alternative solution. And trying clients to be on the same phase. Clients also mention the Jira and assign the task to developers as per the priority. This process helps us to meet the client’s expectations in the best possible manner and ensure the timely delivery of the tasks.

The Deployment Phase:

  • After integration or completion of any task that is mentioned on JIRA, we are doing unit testing on a local machine and merge with develop branch, and deploying to the dev server. Test deployed task on the dev server by developer. Then send PR (pull request) for the main branch deployed on the live server after review. We are using AWS servers for all kinds of deployment.


ValueCoders successfully developed a platform that allows students to get easily registered on the website and access a wide variety of interesting and challenging chemistry concepts in the format of ‘Workbook.’ The workbook allows them to practice each module within a defined time limit. It includes additional features of Calculator usage, tutorial Video, and Instruction sets for each question. After each Workbook, the student is displayed with the final result section for Analysis and Improvement. Following are the features:


  • Registration
    -For Students below 18 years need to provide their Parent’ details.
  • Login
  • All important Categories and Subcategories of Chemistry
    -Paid and Free Workbooks for each topic and subtopic.
    -Set of questions in each workbook with Periodic Table, Calculator, Video Tutorials, and Instruction supports.
    -Result section with Correct and Incorrect attempts.
    -Restriction on Re-attempting the workbook after a defined set of time
  • My Account
    -My Profile
    -My Workbooks
    -My Payments

Backend Administrator

  • Login
  • Dashboard
  • Student Management
  • Subject Management
  • Workbook Management
  • Transaction
  • Testimonial
  • Features
  • Reports
  • Notifications
  • My Account

Online Portal For Chemistry Courses
Online Portal For Chemistry Courses
Online Portal For Chemistry Courses