Social Networking Platform

It is a German social networking platform, allows users to seek their right partner match with their preferences. It is an established dating agency, specialized in providing a suitable match for a solid partnership. It helps create a loving relationship between partners/friends filled with harmony. The concept of dating is based on the principle of similarity.

Technology Used:
  • Flyway
  • Intellij IDE.
  • Java Mail API
  • Java-8
  • MySQL
  • Spring Boot
  • Tomcat Web Server
  • Vaadin 6
  • Velocity Template

Simplify and scale
your processes
with ValueCoders

Key challenges

  • Analysing the existing code, working on finding bugs and fixing them.
  • Finalising new must-have features and Implementing them.
  • Updating existing features.

Solution Implementation

  • We worked on the development of custom solutions
  • We took care of complete web application maintenance
  • Deployed build on staging after development


We successfully analysed the application bugs and implemented the demanded features by the client. Then, we implemented and deployed features of SuperAdmin where admin can add/edit/delete users for managing the project and assign module permissions. We also worked on the enhancement of front-end features by updating existing features and creating new features. We Deployed the build on the production environment after QA and client approval.

Social Networking Platform
Social Networking Platform
Social Networking Platform