Hire Shadow Engineers

Top 1% Shadow Developers. In-House Team Only. Pre-Vetted Experts

Software projects are knowledge-intensive undertakings wherein a deep understanding is important to produce meaningful results. Introducing team members with little or no understanding can pose a serious risk to project execution.

Team members have human problems, e.g., they might have to take unplanned leaves for many unavoidable reasons. To ensure our clients’ projects remain unaffected, we depute “shadow engineers”.

  • Proof of Work based timesheets (Powered by WorkstatusTM)
  • IP Rights & NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) protection
  • Flexible contracts, transparent pricing
  • Free Trial, Zero Overheads, Quick Setup

Factors To Consider While Assigning Shadow Developers

The number of shadow programmers assigned per project depends on the below 3 major factors. As per standard industry practice, our recommended ratio is 2:1, which means two core engineers will have one shadow engineer.

Project Requirements

The role of project requirements is important when hiring a shadow engineer. The requirements should be realistic that require a shadow engineer to provide meaningful feedback.

Number Of Core Engineers

This factor ensures that the company has enough resources and personnel to handle critical projects. If one or more core engineers are unavailable, the shadow engineer would be available.

Complexity Of The Project

As a project becomes more complex, its inherent risks also increase. To help manage these risks, companies will bring on a shadow engineer to work alongside the core team.

Try Before, Commit Later

Start your 7-day trial today and discover the perfect fit for your project needs.

Why Do You Need Shadow Developers?

Shadow developers refer to employees who develop or use technology solutions without the explicit approval or involvement of the IT department. There are a few major reasons to hire Shadow specialists on your team:

Get A Second Set Of Eyes

Having another developer review your code can help catch bugs and potential problems you may have missed.

Speed Up Development Time

Having another developer working on the project in parallel can help speed up the development process.

To Fill In When Someone Is Unavailable

If someone on the team is out sick or on vacation, having a shadow developer can help ensure that work still gets done.

To Learn New Technologies

A good shadow developer will be willing and able to learn new technologies quickly and integrate them into the project.

Serve As BackUp Developers

They serve as a backup for your main development staff in the event of illness or vacation time.

Help Create Clean Faultless Code

They can also help you test new features and functionality before they're released to the public by making sure that the code is clean and performance is optimum.

Need Top-tier Software Development?

Hire our skilled developers and lead the way to innovation.

Why Hire Shadow Developers From ValueCoders?

Companies hire shadow specialists from us, as we have a track record of satisfactory project delivery for all kinds of projects. We provide dedicated shadow engineers with a proactive software development and strategy approach. Here are some of our core benefits:

  • WorkstatusTM powered Proof of Work
  • Top 1% developers, rigorously vetted
  • Dedicated project manager
  • Flexible contracts, transparent pricing
  • Zero hiring fee, quick onboarding
  • Comprehensive code documentation
  • Adherence to data security practices
  • Language/time-zone compatible staff
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
Awards & Certifications -

From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development

Build Smarter with Top Talent

Ready to elevate your software projects? Hire our expert developers and experience unparalleled innovation and efficiency.

675+ Full-time Staff projects executed successfully
20+ Years Experience Years Of Experience in this field
2500+ Satisfied
Total No. of Satisfied Customers

How We Hire Developers?

With a five-step hiring process in place, we are committed to onboarding
exceptionally productive engineers.


Hire Developers from ValueCoders

Take a look at the simple and straightforward process to hire software developers from ValueCoders.



We assess project alignment for potential collaboration.


Developer Selection

We select developers from our tech pool as per project needs.



Upon ETA approval, developers start with direct task assignment.



Modify team size as needed, aided by an account manager.

Ready to Experience the Difference?

Start your 7-day trial today and discover the perfect fit for your project needs.

Steps Of Hiring Shadow Specialists In India

We follow a simple hiring process for shadow development specialists, as mentioned here:

Our resource management team identifies suitable engineers based on project technology and domain identification.

We deploy Shadow engineer(s) for a project, first as a standby option, and later on, we include them in the project as per the need to scale or if a core engineer steps out for any reason. We do this at no additional cost to you and ensure to familiarize our shadow engineers with:

  • Poor Project Management
  • Longer Turnaround For Onboarding
  • Difference In Timezone
  • Nightmarish Coordination
  • Miscommunication Due To Language And Cultural Barriers
  • Delayed Delivery

The project lead/tech manager/developer identifies the modules where the shadow engineer can be aligned.


The project objectives.


The coding standards technologies being used.


The tasks assigned & the status of ongoing tasks.


The milestones targeted, and the delivery schedule.


What is the qualification you look for hire shadow developer?

For hire shadow expert, we test them on several levels: aptitude test, logical reasoning (technical round), overall communication and presenting skills, and academic strength. They are provided with the right work experience before deploying as shadow engineers.

Why do you offer shadow engineers for hire?

What we can control is ensuring the best work environment for our employees. We have received the award for ‘Great Place to Work’ back to back the second time. That speaks a volume about our employee policies, work-life balance, healthy work environment, and employee engagement practices. Yet, we must acknowledge the real “ground level” issues and address them head-on.

Won't it increase my planned budget if I hire best Shadow specialists from ValueCoders?

We deploy the shadow experts at no additional cost to you. So, don’t worry; you would only pay for the actual number of engineers working on your project.

How do you manage these shadow engineers?

The project lead/manager would keep the shadow engineers in the loop regarding ongoing tasks. It is the project manager’s job to keep the shadow engineers updated and ready.

Won't keeping shadow engineers in the loop slow down the overall productivity?

No, it would do the reverse. It will give you a backup plan if anything goes south. For any unavoidable reasons, if the full-time engineer has to take leave, your project won’t suffer at all. Shadow engineers will ensure the project is delivered on time and help in keeping up the overall operational efficiency.

What is a shadow resource?

A Shadow resource is a developer who follows the progress of a project from start to finish. When the need for an additional developer arises, he can fill in while another shadows him as he prepares to take over when needed again. The shadow resource keeps a project’s status up-to-date and participates in critical communications.

If you are not charging me for the shadow engineers, are you paying the cost out of your pocket?

We miss no chance to bring great talent on board; we provide proper training as we have a regular in-flow of new projects waiting for excellent teams of engineers.

What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

The Project managers took a lot of time to understand our project before coming up with a contract or what they thought we needed. I had the reassurance from the start that the project managers knew what type of project I wanted and what my needs were. That is reassuring, and that's why we chose ValueCoders.

James Kelly
Co-founder, Miracle Choice

The team at ValueCoder has provided us with exceptional services in creating this one-of-a-kind portal, and it has been a fantastic experience. I was particularly impressed by how efficiently and quickly the team always came up with creative solutions to provide us with all the functionalities within the portal we had requested.

Judith Mueller
Executive Director, Mueller Health Foundation

ValueCoders had great technical expertise, both in front-end and back-end development. Other project management was well organized. Account management was friendly and always available. I would give ValueCoders ten out of ten!

Kris Bruynson
Director, Storloft

Huge thank you to ValueCoders; they have been a massive help in enabling us to start developing our project within a few weeks, so it's been great! There have been two small bumps in the road, but overall, It's been a fantastic service. I have already recommended it to one of my friends.

Mohammed Mirza

James Kelly

Co-founder, Miracle Choice


Judith Mueller

Executive Director


Kris Bruynson



Mohammed Mirza


2 Weeks Risk-Free Trial

We offer a 2 weeks risk-free trial for you to try out the resource(s) before onboarding. After 2 weeks, if you like the resource(s), you pay for the time and continue on. Else, we replace the aligned resource(s) or cancel the trial as per your wish.

Simple, transparent and easy - isn't it?

Start my 2 week risk-free trial now!

Trusted by Startups and Fortune 500 companies


20+ years of experience

We can handle projects of all complexities.


2500+ satisfied customers

Startups to Fortune 500, we have worked with all.


675+ in-house team

Top 1% industry talent to ensure your digital success.

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